Thursday, 15 October 2009

Define Irony...

1) First story about a film that critiques how media organisations are being overrun with celebrity is splashed in the Guardian, who use it as an excuse to put Amy Winehouse on the front page.

2) Director of said film (that looks at the toxic effect of fame), promptly gets bunch of calls by radio stations and gets to go and pretend to be famous on national radio.

Should have seen it coming I suppose. But still nothing can quite overcome the excitement of skipping into my local news agents to see our film on the front of a national newspaper. Couldn't buy the darn thing as didn't have any change, and the vendor was not impressed with my argument that I should have it gratis because we were a lead story. Fingers crossed there will be more to come over the next few days...

Media whore lifestyle didn't exactly start as planned - cab failed to turn up to take me to beeb for the Radio 5 Nicky Campbell interview. They said that the driver had "got into an accident" which to me almost certainly indicates foul play by Murdoch. Did interview over phone and will hopefully be on listen again soon (was on about 8.35). Went much better than my last radio 5 interview (not a particularly high bar to overcome) which may have had something to do with me being sober. Now off to do World Service, and intend to do a big shout out to Ankara to the folk who will have read our story of Amy Winehouse's hair catching on fire that was reprinted in the Turkish Weekly...

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